"Angel Stone" #SERAPHINITE This beautiful stone is named after the Seraphim, the highest order of Angels who attend the throne of God.
The stone always displays tell tale shimmering feathery patterns – it is these Angel feathers that gives the stone it’s name.
Seraphinite is a stone of love, nurturing and wholeness. it is thought to be attuned to the heart chakra bringing a sense of warmth and well being to those to wear or carry it, and those who come into it’s energy field.
The stone always displays tell tale shimmering feathery patterns – it is these Angel feathers that gives the stone it’s name.
Seraphinite is a stone of love, nurturing and wholeness. it is thought to be attuned to the heart chakra bringing a sense of warmth and well being to those to wear or carry it, and those who come into it’s energy field.